I'm sorry, but my mail client (mutt) certainly does show these as being threaded under, and not top level replies. I don't know why it would be showing up otherwise for you, because I've replied direct to yours each time.
I have a top level understanding of the process involved with AUR and package building; I have not yet built packages myself though. I'll give that a go next in order to increase my understanding. Thanks for your time, sorry for the bother. On Tue, 12 Apr 2016, Doug Newgard wrote: > On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 14:47:16 +0930 > Stephen <mail...@tuxcon.com> wrote: > > > Appreciate the clarification - I was not aware that this was the case, > > but it does make sense. Is this true of fetching updates as well, or > > only in terms of rebuilding things? Thanks! > > Please stop top posting. > > Yes, it would include updates. AUR helpers can help notify you on updates as > well, but you should really understand how the AUR and package building works > before relying on a helper.