Sebastiaan Lokhorst <> on Wed, 2016/03/16 15:24:
> This is a known bug in Linux 4.4.[1]
> It should be fixed in 4.5, which is in [testing] now, so you can try it out.
> [1]

This bug you referenced is marked as duplicate, this is the real one:

However Linux 4.5 crashes even worse for me...
main(a){char*c=/*    Schoene Gruesse                         */"B?IJj;MEH"
"CX:;",b;for(a/*    Best regards             my address:    */=0;b=c[a++];)
putchar(b-1/(/*    Chris            cc -ox -xc - && ./x    */b/42*2-3)*42);}

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