2016-03-08 0:10 GMT+01:00 Jack O'Connor <oconnor...@gmail.com>: > > Would it be possible to depend on a "Provides" that all the different > kernel header packages share? Similar to how nvidia-libgl, > catalyst-libgl, and mesa-libgl all provide the "libgl" dependency. > That would solve the presumably-very-common case where users initially > installed virtualbox without any host headers at all, and are now > landing in a broken state by default. (Or would that mean that the > different header packages conflict where they didn't before?)
Yes, I think that would be the best solution. Each '*-headers' package could provide 'kernel-headers' (or something like that). Provides does not imply conflict, so that wouldn't be a problem. Note that a user could still install a certain 'x-headers' which does not match their 'y' kernel, since the headers do not depend on the kernel or vice versa. (in the libgl case this is not a problem, since the libgl packages depend on the matching driver) But I think most users who use the regular kernel and are not familiar with other kernels would install the plain 'linux-headers' package when prompted, and not the 'linux-lts-headers' package or something else.