They may "not" take action. Sorry for the typo.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Carsten Mattner
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Bruno Pagani <> 
> wrote:
>> Le 25/02/2016 16:57, Harrison Wells a écrit :
>>> Still not clear what's the hold up. Will try to poke the maintainer on irc.
>> Well, I didn’t wanted to say so at the time of the previous ask, but I
>> think the maintainer IS the hold up. He has quite a lot of outdated
>> packages:
>> And if you look at not outdated ones, most of them are not packaged by
>> him. Indeed:
>> And here you see that over the 6 pkgbases he updated over the last three
>> months, most of them were outdated for quite a long time before update,
>> and 3 of them are already outdated.
>> Maybe he is quite busy IRL currently or anything else, but then he
>> should tell other devs so that someone could take care of those packages. ;)
> I may not know the arch process, but why is it possible for a simple
> version bump to be held up in a way that no other developer feels
> like they may take action?

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