On 23.02.2016 08:43, Eric Vidal wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm the creator of Obarun
> I use runit for PID1 and managing service. Repo is available for all package 
> builded without systemd support. All this package have the name xxx-systemd 
> to avoid trouble with original package. Package are maintained every week 
> (one time per week). all this package doesn't have service declaration to 
> allow other distro to use it like manjaro, alphaos etecetera...
> A github with all the pkgbuild used is available here 
> https://github.com/Obarun + some personnal scripts
> A complete site is available too with forum and a little wiki here 
> www.obarun.org
> Proposal an alternative to systemd on arch system isn't impossible even for 
> complex desktop environment. KF5, XFCE4 work on it.(using consolekit for the 
> moment)
> dev is managed by gentoo eudev (working with jcnelson vdev is in progress, 
> but not working for the moment).
> I use my system from almost one year now and share it from july 2015. This 
> system is not perfect (i'm not a good dev) and i'm alone to make all the 
> stuff (site, maintaining, new features and so one) but i'm the proof that can 
> be possible and without so much efford.
> Isn't the work to arch to propose an alternative. Pacman, makepkg, pkgbuild 
> are beautiful tools which allow user to make every his want. So use it and 
> don't ask anything to arch dev :)

Please stop spamming our inboxes with this topic over and over again!
There has been a gigantic thread a few days ago on arch-general.


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