On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 9:25 PM, David C. Rankin
<drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> All,
>   Following https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Readline I was attempting to
> disable control echo by adding 'set echo-control-characters off' to 
> ~/.inputrc.
> After logging out/in there is no change to the '^C' echo after 'ctrl+c' is
> pressed to terminate the present command. I even tried adding it to
> /etc/inputrc. Same result. Is there something else needed with the current 
> readline?

Uh. ~/.inputrc worked okay when I last tried it.

>   Also in this process, I noticed when I type '~' (e.g. like ~/tmp) the '~' is
> not echoed until the 2nd character is pressed. This is confusing. I've looked 
> at
> /etc/inputrc and do not see anything that appears to suppress echo of '~' (or 
> I
> was too dumb to recognize it). What is preventing the '~' from being echoed 
> when
> it is typed as the first character? How do I fix it so it always is shown? 
> (I'm
> using default BASH as the shell)

I have that same behavior as well because I want it like that. I'm not
sure what terminal emulator you're using, since the linux console
works differently compared to X11 terminal emulators in that regard.
In X11, I have them as xmodmap keys of the sort dead_* which are
loaded from ~/.Xmodmap in my window manager startup script.

I can tell you this much: Using your new "dead" tilde you can now
create letters like ñ, ã, õ, ẽ etc.


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