The nature of ArchLinux as a rolling-release distro means that ISO
downloads are not a good measure of the number of users at all. (Most users
downloaded an ISO once, a long time ago, and not for each release as for
other distros.) Add to that the fact that there are torrent links for the
ISO as well, for which download counts are probably not available. I think
the only way to get some kind of measure would probably be to aggregate a
count of IPs hitting each of the Arch package mirrors, which would be a
colossal undertaking :D


On 18 February 2016 at 21:12, Sebastiaan Lokhorst <> wrote:

> 2016-02-18 21:42 GMT+01:00 Tim Ohliger <>:
> > I do not know about a download counter, but maybe is
> what
> > you are looking for.
> >
> DistroWatch itself says:
> >The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics (...) correlate neither to
> usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of
> distributions.
> So that's not a good measure.
> The only statistics I know about are at [1], but those are opt-in. So
> probably not a good measure either.
> Regards,
> Sebastiaan
> [1]

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