> If you want to make OpenRC easier to use on Arch, here's how:
> 1. Get more involved in the AUR to develop more/better OpenRC-specific
> packages
There are 4 mirrors for an unnoficial user repository with packages that
are officially used in Manjaro.
> 2. Draft a new OpenRC wiki article on your User page
Done. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:JMCF125/OpenRC
> 3. Work on 1 and 2 until you feel like you have a clearly superior method
The method already existed, I just wanted to make it visible.
> 4. Open a discussion on the OpenRC talk page about replacing the article
> (this will most likely involved discussion on your User page as well on how
> to improve your draft)
> 5. Success
Or in this case, failure:
> Max

João Miguel

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