On 01/28/2016 04:29 PM, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
>   Now there are different opinions about this:
> Some people certainly estimate comments, questions and discussion about
> security issues which do not solely pertain to updates of packages for
> already known security issues. Allowing discussion about potential
> security risks is also an important issue though certain package
> maintainers and arch-security personnel may feel discomforted about such
> discussions. Nonetheless I would believe such discussion to be
> worthwhile and important.

first at all: please follow the general Arch Linux mailinlist rules and
always bottom-post.

Also I would like to state that you still have the possibility to do so,
you can safely discuss anything Arch Linux related (which includes
security) on arch-general. That is (and was) already done in the
history, most recent threads f.e.: "AppArmor on linux-grsec" [0],
"pacman signature verification" [1], "SELinux on Arch" [2]...

In my opinion I don't feel like we are urged to have a separate list as
most of the time the topics blur the line and splitting it does not
provide much benefit.

On 01/28/2016 04:29 PM, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
> P.S. Slightly off-topic: my sincerest gratitude to everyone behind the
> security announcements! You're doing a great job, and this is not just
> empty words.

Thank you very much, that is appreciated and makes us happy... however
to be pedantic: Most of the work needs to be done before any
announcements, that is just the (smallest) final step :)



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