On 29 Dec 2015, Bennett Piater wrote:
> I'm another extremely satisfied i3wm user.
> Dmenu is amazing, and everything about i3 is so clean.
> The config file syntax, the design principles, the container system, the
> looks...
> I use ranger as a (text-mode) file manager and dolphin when I want a
> graphical one. Gwenview as image viewer. I tend to like KDE apps though.
> I use VimFX for Firefox.
> It's incredibly fast, stable and very configurable while remaining much
> more approacheable than awesome. You can even upgrade it without logging
> out and back in or losing the layout, which is a *huge* bonus.
> You can have x sessions running for months without having to log out.
> I have decided. I don't think I'll ever leave i3.

I agree that i3 is good but I find that spectrwm has the same merits
and, at least for me, is more intuitive to use. It too has a simple
configuration file and changes can be made on the fly. At least worth a
look, I suggest, for anyone who is interested in tiling WMs.

Anthony Campbell                        http://www.acampbell.uk

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