On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Stefan Tatschner
<rumpels...@sevenbyte.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently switched from gnome to i3. I really like it, but there
> are still a few annoying problems left… Currently I use gdm to login;
> my login shell is set to zsh in /etc/passwd. I have several dotfiles,
> like ".zshrc" and ".zprofile" in $HOME.
> The problem is, that i3 does not seem to spawn a login shell correctly
> (is this even possible?). In gnome3 my settings in .zprofile are
> applied globally and just fine. In i3 the entire .zprofile is missed.
> Since .zprofile is sourced by interactive login shells, I guess that
> there might be a problem. Am I missing something here?
> Thanks,
> Stefan

Whether the profile source file for your shell is run depends on how
your terminal emulator launches your shell, and whether -i is passed
or not.
For i3, the case might be a bit less clear or obvious, since you
haven't stated what terminal you use and how that one is set up.
One possible solution would just be to source .zprofile on login
through .xinitrc or whatever starts i3 for you.


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