Le 13. 10. 15 19:06, gryf...@archlinux.net a écrit :
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 07:03:06PM +0200, Simon Brulhart wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I found that when starting the dkms service, every dkms module is loaded
>> right after, even the ones that are blacklisted.
>> The behavior is avoidable by adding the '-b' option to modprobe, in the
>> dkms start script (/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/dkms), line 26.
>> I don't see any drawback in adding this option, and the resulting
>> behavior seems more intuitive in my option.
>> It would also help prevent some issues as the one described here:
>> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=189032
>> Basically when using bumblebee and nvidia-dkms, the dkms service loads
>> the nvidia and nvidia_uvm module after bumblebeed starts, which powers
>> the discrete graphic card back on indefinitely.
>> I wasn't sure if I should directly post an issue on the bugtracker, or
>> first discuss about it here.
>> Cheers
>> Simon
> This seems the sort of error that would be deliberate. It's a rather major 
> bug, if it is a bug. I would post it on the 
> bugtracker if I were you.
Thanks for the advice (and quick reply !), I submitted a new entry in
the bugtracker:

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