> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:12 AM, mudongliang <mudonglianga...@outlook.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 10/14/2015 05:23 PM, Andrew Ridgway wrote:
>> There also seems to be an issue with themes in the latest gtk.
>> I fixed libreoffice (evolution and a lot of gtk applications actually)
>> by simply changing my theme from Numix to Adwaita. if you have another
>> gtk3 theme enabled in your DE this may be the problem.
> You are right! Numix theme have this problem, specially numix-frost-light.
> Changing from Numix to Gnome default theme will fix this problem.
>     - mudongliang

I'm curious about what's caused by gtk3 itself, what's caused by the
application itself, and what's caused by the theme...

I had the problem with LO dying when called even yesterday.  But after
an upgrade late yesterday, I got version "3.18.2-1" of gtk3, and the
problem went away.  Could it be that LO logic dependent on gtk3 was
expecting certain behavior now available or fixed in gtk3?  BTW,
although I don't use any DE, I use "GnomishDark" as theme for gtk3
dependent applications.



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