-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 > > Got it back after downgrade to > > linux-firmware-20150722.e10097a-1 > > linux-4.1.5-1 > > linux-headers-4.1.5-1 > > linux-lts-headers-3.14.50-1 > > > > I have use broadcom-wl-dkms driver from AUR. > > Did you rebuild the driver for the new kernel? If you're using DKMS, check Sure.
> `systemctl status dkms` to see whether there's build failures or not. 4.1.5-1-ARCH. Output will be useles in this case. wi-fi interface is up. I have no time for experiments. Sorry. - -- _ ~~~ This PGP signature only certifies the sender and date of the message. It implies no approval from the administrators of nym.mixmin.net. Date: Thu Oct 1 21:01:15 2015 GMT From: f...@nym.mixmin.net -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEARECAAYFAlYNnxsACgkQViYZwngkfDtYAwCeP6gMH8qARmvG8z69umj5cTWc Bh0AoKCWkNzLD85V6LrQo1fy+rns5DZ4 =zyTs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----