if you try to register https://bbs.archlinux.org/register.php
it has a anti-spam question. that fails on both cent and arch cent: [x@x /]$ date -u +%V$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g > ^C [x@x /]$ arch: [root@alarmpi ~]# echo date -u +%V$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g > [root@alarmpi ~]# date -u +%V$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g > [root@alarmpi ~]# ... also the post i'm asking about (and was willing to register to the arch forum) https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=183086 someone did a RTFM response and the wiki/manual page person reference doesn't have a straight answer and please don't complain about it being an old post, i'm trying to help you guys, as that post comes up in google first page and with fairly board google searches. so a proper answer would help other potential Arch users.