Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:19:12 +0200 Ralf Mardorf <>:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:01:54 +0200, Jens Adam wrote: > >Wed, 22 Jul 2015 11:58:18 +0200 > >Ralf Mardorf <>: > > > >> > > > >Just a little bit late. > > > > Here the issue appeared with password request: > > # grep -v "#" /etc/sudoers | grep [[:blank:]] > Defaults insults > root ALL=(ALL) ALL > rocketmouse ALL=(ALL) ALL I know what you're referring to, but your mails are sometimes really hard to follow. And reading that bug (or knowing sudo) it's pretty obvious that "nopasswd" played no role here. > Before posting my bug report I searched for sudo and gksudo bug > reports, but none were shown. Some Flyspray tips: I usually check "Search in comments", "Search details" and "All Statuses" when searching and then sort chronologically (ID/Opened/Last Edited). Also, in this case 'gksu' would've been the proper package name. But as that package didn't get touched for three weeks, the most likely culprit had to be sudo anyway. The time when I was active all day on bbs/irc/wiki giving free support is long ago (2006-9), but I think the general consensus had always been "bug first, talk later" ... dunno how others think about that nowadays. Regards, Jens
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