On 21.07.2015 12:56, Christoph Seitz wrote:
Hi there,

I just stumbled on the following [1] blog post, which says that shipping
ubuntu docker images with modifications (e.g. web app, etc.) might be a
violation of trademarks. I was wondering wether this also applies to
arch linux, since the trademark policy [2] is derived from ubuntu
somehow. Especially if you use aur packages inside the container, the
trademark policy insists on a trademark license. I found some packages
[3] that include aur packages.

The FSF started a dialog with Canonical in order to allow such
customization based on ubuntu. [4] Am I right with my assumption, that
docker images with aur packages need a trademark license? Would it be a
possibility to change the policy in oder to allow such works as docker
images with aur packages?


[1] http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/36312.html
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:TrademarkPolicy
[3] https://registry.hub.docker.com/search?q=arch&searchfield=
[4] https://www.fsf.org/news/canonical-updated-licensing-terms

Hello Christoph,

the Arch trademark policy does not automatically update with the Ubuntu policy. The policy is, unless revoked, the one you linked as [2].

The Arch policy states the following:

> Products which include very invasive changes, such as a new kernel,
> the inclusion of packages which are not part of the Arch Linux
> repositories, or anything else that significantly impacts the
> technical quality or user experience would fall into this category
> are unlikely to be approved. (Note that if you are including packages
> which are not part of the Arch Linux repositories, we encourage you
> to work within the community processes, such as the Arch User
> Repository (AUR) to submit and maintain those packages within the
> community repositories in order to minimise this issue.)

This is ambiguous enough to make AUR packages a non-issue. I'm no lawyer, but I cannot clearly see the difference between "Arch Linux repository" and "Arch User Repository", especially under the statement, that this would "minimise the issue".

Looking at your packages from [3], I'd say many of them are fine. They explicitly state what they are, for example "Arch Linux base running AUR compiled version of CouchPotato".


Sascha Shaw

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