Today I upgraded kernel to 4.0.0-2, but when I restart ,I found that
vmnet module can't be recompiled
I use vmware workstation of version : 10.0.3
I search and find that all the thing about kernel 3.19 in arch wiki.
# curl -o /tmp/vmnet-3.19.patch
# cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
# tar -xf vmnet.tar
# patch -p0 -i /tmp/vmnet-3.19.patch
# tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only
# vmware-modconfig �Cconsole �Cinstall-all
But this method is not right with kernel 4.0.0-2. vmnet module can't be
compiled successfully.
I need a patch for kernel 4.0.0-2 so that I can use vmware normally.
Thanks in advance.
    - mudongliang

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