On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Giuseppe Turrisi <giuseppeturr...@gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> from about a week on my notebook tlp do not auto recognize ac/batt state
> and it don't auto load the config. If i restart the daemon manually
> after an ac/batt switch it will work well.
> Any idea to fix it?
> I'm on a Lenovo G50-70
> Greetings,
> Giuseppe
> --
> * Giuseppe Turrisi <giuseppeturr...@gmail.com> GPG Key: 0x64CC9BD9 *
> * Questo messaggio contiene firma GPG ed e' autentico *
> * http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Privacy_Guard *
There's already a bug report about it [1]. I'm going to see to that
tomorrow. Note that, for the same reason, tlp-rdw doesn't work as intended

[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/45587


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