On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 1:10 PM, LoneVVolf <lonew...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> This blog post gives the best description of systemd flaws i am aware of :
> http://judecnelson.blogspot.fi/2014/09/systemd-biggest-fallacies.html

That is one of the worst descriptions of problems in systemd that I am
aware of:-)

The author completely misses that systemd is a layered architecture
which at its core provides (mostly) a convenient cgroups interface.
Other services are layered on top of that core functionality and in
turn provide more interfaces, that in turn other services depend upon.

None of the other init system can provide similar basic services, so
none can even come close to replacing systemd at this time. That is
actually a bit sad, a bit of competition has never hurt:-)

Best Regards,

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