On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 9:28 PM, kachelaqa <kachel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/06/15 18:41, Chris Warrick wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I set my system to the Bluecurve cursor scheme in KDE 4 System
>> Settings, I also have /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme pointing to
>> it. However, Qt 5 apps completely ignore all my efforts to make my
>> system look consistently and instead use a custom theme — for example,
>> here’s the “wait” cursor (it’s not even KDE-Classic, the watch is
>> white instead of black).
>> Bluecurve: http://i.imgur.com/cBBlnIg.png
>>       Qt 5: http://i.imgur.com/kJz6TVD.png
>> How can I get fix this?
> I had similar issues. What I ended up doing was putting everything under
> ~/.icons:
>     .icons/
>         default/
>             cursors -> ../mytheme/cursors
>             index.theme
>         mytheme/
>             cursors
>             index.theme
> Where default/index.theme contains:
>     [Icon Theme]
>     Inherits=MyThemeName
> I also had to create quite few symlinks in mytheme/cursors for the
> cursor-names which were missing (there are lots of aliases). The relevant
> cursor-names can be found by looking at some of the other cursor themes in
> /usr/share/icons.

This does not seem to work (though I haven’t logged out to test yet).

Qt 5.5.0 should fix this though:

Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/>

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