On 17/03/15 09:13 AM, Janilson Andrade wrote:
> Hi all.
> After months trying many things and after posting in arch forum[1] I am here 
> asking if anyone could help me.Everytime I try to reboot or shutdown my 
> computer, after turning everything off, my system hangs and display one of 
> these messages below.    
> a) cgroup : option or name mismatch, new: 0x0"", old: 0x4 "systemd"
> shutdown[1]: Failed to finalize  file systems, ignoring    
> b) A stop job is running for Daemon for power management (20s/1min 30s)I use 
> Gnome 3, when I've changed to my DE to KDE the reboot options worked 
> sometimes, but most of the times it didn't. After it stop working at all I've 
> come back to Gnome, since I can't reboot my system no matter what I do.
> OBS: I know the cgroup message is just a warning to most of people, but for 
> me it freezes my system and I can only turn the power off and on in order to 
> reboot my computer,
> I really want some help of how can I at least search for the possible things 
> that is causing this problem.Sorry for long e-mail.
> [1] System doesn't reboot/shutdown (cgroup : option or name mismatch....) / 
> System Administration / Arch Linux Forums

The fact that it's the last message printed out before it stalls does
not imply it is the cause. AFAIK this warning occurs *everywhere* so I
doubt it has anything to do with your issue.

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