On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 07:16:49 AM Pedro A. López-Valencia wrote:
> El 14/03/2015 a las 12:03 a. m., Mark Lee escribió:
> > Hash: SHA256
> > 
> > While this may not be the proper way of submitting packages, linphone
> > is out of date and repackaging it does require some fiddling. The
> > major change is the use of bzrtp for zrtp encryption now. I've
> > attached the PKGBUILDs I used to build linphone-3.8.0 so the
> > maintainers can avoid some duplication of effort if they'd like. Note,
> > I enabled GLX for linphone video calls in my version of mediastreamer.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Mark
> Hi Mark,
> The proper way to propose a change in a PKGBUILD for a package in the
> official repositories is to file a bug report in Flyspray. In the
> particular case of a community package, there is a whole section
> dedicated to it (make sure to select that when filing the report). One
> of the bug wranglers will assign the bug to the proper person.
> BTW, considering the nature of the bug: new version with who knows what
> security bug fixes and new dependencies, I'd report it as high or even
> critical; but that's just me. :-)
> P.
To P.

I already file several out of date packages and bug reports for linphone and 
its dependencies. All have been sorted from what I've seen....although while 
PKGBUILDS look very similar I find my name removed as contributor...
Linphone-3.8 is now available in the community repos.


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