>Hi all, > >Version 2.0.0 of the LightDM GTK greeter was released about week ago. >This release drops GTK2 support. > That's ironic, Xfce recommend lightdm as DM for the gtk2 theme, and the upcomimng xfce-gtk-engine 3.1 drop gtk3 support.
>Therefore I propose to rename the current "lightdm-gtk3-greeter" into >"lightdm-gtk-greeter" and drop the legacy "lightdm-gtk2-greeter" to AUR. looking oxygen keep the gtk3 in AUR gtk3 only themes tend to use gtk3 and gtk2 only thend to use gtk or gtk2, I will preffer keep the 3 in the name. >I could keep "lightdm-gtk2-greeter" around for a while in [community] if >some people want me to (I'm thinking people using MATE for example, >but it's going towards GTK3 anyway), but keep in mind that you can use >LXDM instead if you really need a GTK2 display manager. Or Xfce4 users, the upcoming xfce4 release is gtk2, and only after that the migration to gtk3 will start. so a gtk2-greeter will be apreciated until xfce drop gtk2, and dont forget that LXDM is now presumably unmaintained or in low maintainance since they migrate to QT > >If there aren't any objections by the end of the week, I'll proceed with my >proposal. > Me >Cheers, -- *Pablo Lezaeta*