2015-01-18 19:04 GMT+01:00 Troy Engel <troyengel+a...@gmail.com>: > On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Csányi Pál <csanyi...@gmail.com> wrote: >> 2015-01-18 18:20 GMT+01:00 Damjan Georgievski <gdam...@gmail.com>: >>> >>> >>> there's no /init outside of the ramdisk, so his problem seems to be in the >>> initramfs, but probably because his base system is a bit borked and it >>> mkinitcpio creates the initramfs out of it. >>> >> >> What to do? > > Looking into "mkinitcpio" it makes an assumption that > /usr/lib/initcpio/busybox exists -- while in your rescue arch-chroot, > try just re-installing "mkinitcpio-busybox" package. It provides the > 'init' function as I referenced earlier, which mkinitcpio symlinks to: > > $ /usr/lib/initcpio/busybox --list | grep init > init > > Perhaps your busybox binary is somehow broken; after reinstall run > mkinitcpio -p linux again to rebuild your initramfs and see if that > helps.
I just did followings when in rescue arch-chroot: pacman -S mkinitcpio-busybox Success. mkinitcpio -p linux Success. exit from arch-chroot reboot Still get the kernel panic error mesage. What can I do now? -- Regards from Pal