Ah, thanks. The admin login blinded me to that.


On Thu, Dec 11, 2014, at 05:34 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Each header provides this information:
> List-Help:
> <mailto:arch-general-requ...@archlinux.org?subject=help>
> IOW to arch-general-requ...@archlinux.org send an empty mail with
> the subject   help   and help will be send to you.
> However, visit: https://lists.archlinux.org//listinfo/arch-general/
> At the bottom below "To unsubscribe from arch-general, get a password
> reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription
> email address:" write your emailadress and then push "Unsubscribe or
> edit options". After that type your passwort and log in.
> Consider to wrap after 72 chars.
> -- 
> "Pull a Homer -- to succeed despite idiocy." - The Simpsons

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