I think nobody mentioned pactree so far. IMO this is the most convenient
tool for finding dependencies. For the local database use
$ pactree -r kde-workspace
or for the sync database
$ pactree -sr kde-workspace
On 24.11.2014 20:42, Ralf Mardorf:
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 14:35:53 -0500
Mark Lee <m...@markelee.com> wrote:
On 11/24/2014 02:25 PM, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
Use pacman -Qi kdebase-workspace.
That does not show what depends on it, that isn't already installed.
Something like this
$ pacman -Si | grep kdebase-workspace
that also shows the names ;).
Perhaps a loop including all packages that should be upgraded and
dependencies that should be installed by an upgrade in a loop as
variable "package"
pacman -Si | grep $package