Am Tue, 4 Nov 2014 07:29:25 +0100
schrieb Ralf Mardorf <>:

> Hi :)
> why is the wanted default CHOST ARCHITECTURE-unknown-linux-gnu instead
> of ARCHITECTURE-arch-linux-gnu?
> $ grep CHOST /etc/makepkg.conf
> CHOST="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
> I wasn't aware of this, until I started testing Claws [1], [2].
> Other distros usually prefer self-promotion.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> [1]
> [2]
> The following task is now closed:
> FS#42659 - [claws-mail] X-Mailer feature request
> Reason for closing: Not a bug
> Additional comments about closing: check the wanted Arch Linux default
> CHOST in /etc/makepkg.conf ;)

Afaik this is for historical reason. I can only speak about the x86_64
port that I've been working from the very early days.

Arch64 was made following CLFS and they recommended this variable

I'm not sure about the reason for our 32bit mother distribution.

The variable is pretty much of no interest at runtime. But I remember
some packages that strictly needed this generic CHOST variable to be
able to compile out of the box. Any customized naming made them fail to
pass configure.


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