Le 23/10/2014 02:01, Marko Hauptvogel a écrit :
> Referring to the comments from october 16th on the ck kernel package
> page [0] and the config of said package [1], your version of the ck
> kernel has not yet been configured to do early microcode updates. But
> this should follow be fixed soon as the v20140913 microcode package hit
> [extra] today. Try to boot the stock kernel and you should see 'updated
> early' lines in your logs.
> Greetings
> [0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linux-ck/
> [1]
> http://pkgbuild.com/git/aur-mirror.git/tree/linux-ck/config?id=438644e59ea3647296e7880fe85e200a6e5fe1ca#n444

Thanks for the pointers ! I had imagined the ck kernel not being updated
could matter, but as I failed having GRUB menu display on reboot I
neglected trying the standard kernel before posting. My bad and thanks

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