On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Tobias Hunger <tobias.hun...@gmail.com> wrote: > Then it fails with "/bin/sh not found". >
As new_root is mounted (/bin/sh is there in the initrd), where /bin is a symlink to /usr/bin, this should be obvious... >> You also did not provide any error message or other >> pointer which would lead us to the source of your problem, and I think >> you should add anything you have (eg. remove the "quiet" boot option). > > I have to admit that I did not think about removing "quiet" this > morning:-/ Shame on me. > > My question is basically how to get the a debug shell in an initrd > created by mkinitcpio with the "systemd" hook enabled? > > The long and involved way is most likely to make sure the > systemd-debug-generator will be added to the initrd by the "systemd" > hook, together with a modified debug-shell.service that actually is > started during the initrd (and not only afterwards). > > Then I should be able to enable that debug shell with the kernel > parameters documented for the systemd-debug-generator. > > Is there a simpler way, involving less hacking? > With /usr not correctly mounted, you might want to check fstab and arch-chroot to the current setup and try mount -a? Maybe somehow pull busybox into / before you chroot, so you have everything you need while in the dark ages... cheers! mar77i