"Can't find file "es_ESUTF-8" for symbols include" below makes me think
you may have had a typo when you set up your LANG/locale stuff during
On 09/12/2014 10:07 AM, arch-general-requ...@archlinux.org wrote:
Subject: [arch-general] Cannot boot from gnome-shell
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi, I have installed archlinux + gnome shell.
When I run "systemctl start gdm.service" , I get this error in screen:
Oh, no! Somethings has gone wrong...
I see the log journalctl -b | tail -n 100:
Sep 12 12:23:23 arch-gnome3 gdm-Xorg-:1[27273]: The XKEYBOARD keymap
compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
Sep 12 12:23:23 arch-gnome3 gdm-Xorg-:1[27273]: > Error:
Can't find file "es_ESUTF-8" for symbols include
Sep 12 12:23:23 arch-gnome3 gdm-Xorg-:1[27273]: > Exiting
Sep 12 12:23:23 arch-gnome3 gdm-Xorg-:1[27273]: >
Abandoning symbols file "default"
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