Hi, I have been building/installing a custom kernel for some time now with no issues. I always follow the same process:
------------------------------------------------ * $ ABSROOT=. abs core/linux * edit the PKGBUILD: -pkgbase=linux-hortensia uncomment #make nconfig, * $ makepkg load MyConfigFile, do sometimes some stuffs, save as .config, exit nconfig * # pacman -Ud linux-hortensia-headers # pacman -U linux-hortensia # pacman -U linux-hortensia-docs ----------------------------------------------------- I decide to give a try at Nouveau: --------------------------------------------------------- -pkgbase=linux-nouveau * nconfig: Device Drivers ---> Graphics support ---> DRM ---> <M> Nouveau (nvidia) cards Frame buffer Devices ---> <M>Support for frame buffer devices ---> empty all * save as .config * # pacman -Ud linux-nouveau-headers. ---> long list of lines all in this type <--------- linux-nouveau-headers: /usr/lib/modules/3.16.1-1-hortensia/build/sound/soc/intel/Kconfig exists in filesystem <------------------------> Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded ----------------------------------------------------------------- I am surprised as it is the first time I have this error. I am expecting the new headers to be installed in /usr/lib/modules/3.16.1-1-nouveau and NOT in the 3.16.1-1-hortensia dir. Why do I have again the /3.16.1-1-hortensia folder in linux-nouveau/pkg/linux-nouveau/usr/lib/modules/3.16.1-1-hortensia, and not a /3.6.1-1-nouveau/ folder instead? Last, at the end of the makepkg command, I can see: DEPMOD 3.16.1-1-hortensia. Why not DEPMOD 3.16.1-1-nouveau? Did anything changed when building/installing custom kernel? Or is there any wrong variable somewhere in the PKGBUILD? Thank you for suggestion