On 13/08/14 01:21 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
> On 08/13/2014 08:09 PM, Leonid Isaev wrote:
>> As you know, user_ns is a necesary prerequisite for unpriviileged
>> containers:
>> https://www.stgraber.org/2014/01/17/lxc-1-0-unprivileged-containers/ 
>> . AFAIU,
>> currently only Ubuntu 14.04 supports those.
>> However, I agree with you that CONFIG_USER_NS is better left disabled
>> in -ARCH
>> kernels. After all, people using containers should be able to compile
>> a custom
>> kernel...
> Hi all,
> One use case of using LXC might be to want to quicky have a virtual
> environment running.
> Easing the work by defaulting to a ready-to-work kernel would be nice.
> Regards.

Containers work fine without CONFIG_USER_NS. You just can't spawn them
without being a privileged user. There's a good reason for that, as
shown by the endless stream of local root exploits via user namespaces.

Having uid 0 or root equivalent capabilities in a container with or
without user namespaces is equivalent to root access on the host due to
flaws in the implementation. By removing the check for a privileged
user, upstream just guaranteed that sane distributions are not going to
enable the feature (at least without patching it, which isn't Arch's style).

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