On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 07:10:10PM +0200, Yamakaky wrote:
> >And all that assumes that you can execute systemd-sysusers, no?
> Oh, I see, you are talking about emergency boot ?

Yes. What you suggest is OK for an update on a working system, but what about a
fresh install or rescue? You call pacstrap to install into a directory, but
systemd is installed _after_ filesystem and a bunch of other packages which
expect all those directories.

IMHO, the idea of a stateless system applies to a narrow usecase like coreos,
when you magically obtained a working system (and systemd), and now can do all
the cool stuff. However, coreos is not a general-purpose distro like Arch.

On top of that, I remember that quite recently it was considered a no-no for a
daemon to write to /etc...

Leonid Isaev
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