On 06/16/2014 03:34 AM, Timothée Ravier wrote:
> On 2014-06-15 23:49, Kyle Terrien wrote:
>> I have narrowed this down to gvim/vim-runtime 7.4.307-1 and later. 
>> Earlier versions of the package do not have this issue.
>> I am asking here because I am unsure if the issue is package
>> related or upstream.
> I can reproduce this, with and without plugins. Neovim is not affected.
> Please file a bug upstream. If possible, you should narrow it down to
> the specific commit creating the regression.

There is no need to file upstream. I just built vim-runtime, gvim,
gvim-python3, and vim 7.4.326 (They are all one PKGBUILD.), and the
issue with adjusting vimsplits is already fixed.

Shall I flag the packages as out of date? When does Arch normally build
newer versions of Vim? (I noticed the last patchlevel change jumped from
274 to 307.)


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