On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 05:46:48PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> "systemd, libsystemd and systemd-sysvcompat 213-6 from testing only
> solve the fstab issue, but they don't solve the superblock issue." -
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/40706
> I never run into trouble before, because I use the local time when using
> Linux and FreeBSD, while I'm using Linux for around 11 years each day
> now. I chose local time because I want the correct time, when I use the
> BIOS, e.g. to backup BIOS settings, it's not related to a Windows
> install.

It's a warning, not a trouble.

fsck is warning you, not systemd.

$ LANG=C grep "last write time is in the future" $(pacman -Qlq e2fsprogs|grep 
Binary file /usr/bin/e2fsck matches
Binary file /usr/bin/fsck.ext2 matches
Binary file /usr/bin/fsck.ext3 matches
Binary file /usr/bin/fsck.ext4 matches
Binary file /usr/bin/fsck.ext4dev matches

It's not a new "issue", maybe you're seeing it for the first time
(localtime here), in coincidence with the forced fsck bug.

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