On Sat, 2014-06-07 at 09:59 -0500, Doug Newgard wrote:
> The Beginner's Guide says: Warning: Using localtime may lead to several 
> known and unfixable bugs.
> If you're going to do something non-standard that's known to cause 
> problems, you have to expect things like this from time to time.

"systemd, libsystemd and systemd-sysvcompat 213-6 from testing only
solve the fstab issue, but they don't solve the superblock issue." -

I never run into trouble before, because I use the local time when using
Linux and FreeBSD, while I'm using Linux for around 11 years each day
now. I chose local time because I want the correct time, when I use the
BIOS, e.g. to backup BIOS settings, it's not related to a Windows

I suspect it's just the evil policy of those systemd folks, who want to
teach everybody to follow there ways, as the only right ways.

IMO there's no valid reason not to chose local time.

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