
so, this morning I made the mistake to try building a random split
package PKGBUILD from ABS with the --pkg flag.

==> Starting prepare()...
/home/martti/abs/systemd/PKGBUILD: line 33: cd: libsystemd-212: No
such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

Wait a minute, really?

After building a little tool to find packages that use $pkgname in
prepare()/build() despite the fact that $pkgname isn't *necessarily*
the right thing to use to build their source paths, I'm revealed 53 of
a total of 400 split packages appear to be using that variable in
building. Which equates to a good one in every eighth PKGBUILD of the
split packages ecosystem.

Now, sure, makepkg could mitigate this problem by setting $pkgname to
$pkgbase for the execution of prepare() and build(), but this would
first have to be instroduced upstream.

My findings are listed below.







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