On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Yamakaky <yamak...@yamaworld.fr> wrote: > Grouped answer (french guy here, be indulgent ^^) : >
Sure. [...] > >> Meanwhile you didn't make clear why don't you side with OP after >> justifying his point? > Google it. OP is the "Original Poster". Also known as "You". > > >> anyone rebuilding some set of packages with ABS to eek out a bit of >> extra performance is aware that the default compiler flags need to >> be changed > > > I didn't talk about that, all my point is about AUR building. > makepkg.conf affects *any* building, not just such from aur. That distinction does nowhere exist. > >> I'm sure there are users who build packages without devtools and then >> expect it to be portable > > > I think they should read a bit of doc before cross-compiling. > It's not crosscompiling if I think "64 bit intel-compatible, aka x86_64", is it? We're discussing running the same binary on similar enough platforms in that they're called by the same name. cheers! mar77i