
Yeah, android-udev would be useful in [community]. And what do you think
about moving android-sdk too?

I personally also find more useful to get updates about Android tools from
it rather than using any package managers or aur pkgbuilds.

/opt could still be its install location.

All the best,

Sent from my Android
On Apr 23, 2014 1:28 PM, "Anatol Pomozov" <anatol.pomo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As there is no strong consensus on what to do with Android development
> tools then I am going to leave the situation as-is. Arch users will
> keep either installing the packages using Android installer or by AUR
> packages.
> I am going to move packages android-tool and android-udev to
> [community]. These are small packages that many people find useful.

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