In my TU application I promised to look at situation with Android support in Arch.
Android is an open-source project that has a number of sub-projects. The official website offers prebuild binaries for those sub-projects such as sdk, ndk, build-tools, IDE plugins,... We want to simplify Android installation and maintenance and looking into turning it into real packages. Installing tools by downloading and unpacking is sux and so 90s. The naive way to add packages is to use these binaries and just repack them into Arch packages. Or download-at-installation - something like what we do for proprietary software. AUR has many android packages that download binary files from Android website. But using prebuilt binary packages is something atypical for Arch. There are issues with it: - android download site provides only 32-bit binaries so multilib repositories are required - prebuild packages do not use standard installation paths - they compile against older version of third-party projects and bundled it into download files. The packages should depend on existing system libraries instead. The plan is to provide proper Arch packages that do not have the problems listed above. I initially tried to build a package that follows "build whole Android source-tree" official instructions [1]. And then pack only parts we need. Oh boy, this was painful. The source tree is several Gb of code, it pulls prebuilt versions of gcc, clang, python,.. It requires specific version of make and java. After a week of trying to build Android on Arch without using prebuilds I gave up. Actually those instructions [1] build system images that include kernel and ARM code for a specific hardware. Arch does not need it. I've decided to attack this problem from other side: find what exactly we need to pack as Arch packages and then build it from sources. I've decided to look to AUR non-binary android packages and see what people vote for (who said that voting is useless?). There are a number of packages that seems good for moving to [community]: - android-tools It contains adb and fastboot. These the packages that I am interested in. I am not an Android developer I am just an Android user and adb is the most useful Android tool for me. - android completion for adb/fastboot these files can be merged into previous package. - android-udev sounds useful as well These 3 packages is easy to move to [community] and my gut feeling says it should be enough for the most Android users. These is another category of users: those who *develop* for Android and need a lot of other tools, such as: sdk sdk-build-tools: aapt, aidl, dexdump, dx, llvm-rs-cc ndk api docs IDE plugins? system images? I did not find source packages for it at AUR. So if we want to add it [community] we need to create such packages but it might be quite hard. Are there people with Android development background? What exactly do you miss in Arch? Is it worth building our own SDK/eclipse plugins/...? [1]