Thank you for your good suggestion! I think I can use pacman to remove the 
packages, however, I cannot connect to Internet after chroot, so cannot use 
pacman to update. Do you have any idea?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2014, at 1:20, Andres Fernandez <> 

> I think you should boot with an Arch Installer, then chroot and try to fix
> your system removing the package that has files on those directories,
> following the steps on the Arch news about this issue. An then update
> again. I think that this will solve your trouble.
> Andrés Fernandez
> Software Peronista
> El 07/03/2014 04:13, "Caorenzhi" <> escribió:
>> Hi, there are some files in /sbin,/usr/sbin. Should I just remove them
>> directly and then run pacman -s filesystem?   I find out that I cannot
>> access the internet this time, can I still use that command?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 7, 2014, at 1:07, Simon Brand <> wrote:
>>> Am 07.03.2014 07:49, schrieb Cao, Renzhi (MU-Student):
>>>> Now, for my problem, is there any way to repair that? Or you think I
>> should reinstall my arch linux system?
>>> I am not a fan of reinstalling only to fix the system, but you should
>>> update more frequently ;)
>>> Chroot into your system, then look into /bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin, there
>>> shouldnt be any files. You can try then
>>> pacman -S filesystem
>>> Good luck!

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