> Thank you Tom for your long and precise help. I think I will give up
> libvirt and go to LXC. Btw, the container does not need so much
> settings offer by libvirt management.
> For your info, /etc/cgconfig is needed and read by systemd
> cgconfig.service. But there is no need in fact to enable this service.

I gave a try to LXC. There is unfortunately no better doc, and it
seems I still have an issue with my cgroup configuration:

gabx@hortensia ➤➤ ~ # lxc-start -n dahlia -d
lxc-start: command get_cgroup failed to receive response
gabx@hortensia ➤➤ ~ # lxc-ls

The container is here and lxc see it.

No idea where my cgroup issue comes from

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