On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 13:19:56 -0600
"David C. Rankin" <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
>    I remote administer one arch server and after moving to systemd I haven't 
> found a way to reboot without hanging the ssh session. Prior to system, we 
> could simply pass the shutdown command via ssh and the ssh session would 
> complete/close before reboot took place: i.e.
> $ ssh remote.host.org "sudo shutdown -r now"
>    However with systemd, using "systemctl reboot" the ssh session hangs
> until the remote host reboot or a timeout occurs.
>    Is there a better way to reboot a remote server and avoid this?

AFAIU, this issue is related to the lack of ordering
between systemd-user-sessions.service and network.target (the former should
start after the latter)... OTOH, one can simply
$ ssh r...@remote.host.org
and do
# ( sleep 30 && systemctl reboot ) &
# exit

Leonid Isaev
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