> > hi
MAKEFLAGS in makepkg.conf is disabled (#) by default. add makeflags variable like "--parellel-jobs=${MAKEFLAGS/-j}" in PKGBUILD only gets errors (or not work). i think the best method is set (and enable by default) MAKEFLAGS with nproc value internally in makepkg tools (like MAKEFLAGS="j$(nproc)"). and only set MAKEFLAGS in makepkg.conf if want avoid established value (set less threads, for example) about waf, yes, can use JOBS or --parellel-jobs, but if you test with/without these options, without options waf use all thread available in the system (for example in my system is 8 threads), if set JOBS or --parellel-jobs with all thread available (8) have the same result. sorry my english greetings