On 22.12.2013 12:51, Guangyu Zhang wrote:

I want to build an repository. I need a software to build and test packages
automatically, and to show the status of all packages which is just like
the buildd <http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/> in Debian. I have been
looking for it via Google, but nothing found.
I have build a specific buildbot configuration, which could be adopted to your needs most probably. Right now it uses github as its source for changes. Buildbot basically checks for changes in the github repository and will then build the packages. Right now there is now way to build "dependent" packages, so you have to start the build of each "package" automatically.

Can anybody give me some advice? I also wonder what software is used by
official developers to manage the main repository.
I am not an official developer, but thought this could be interesting anyways. See https://github.com/pacNAS/pnbuildbot.




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