On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Myra Nelson <myra.nel...@hughes.net> wrote:
> The best way might be to follow Allan's suggestions on how to contribute to
> Arch Linux.
> http://allanmcrae.com/2013/05/ways-to-contribute-to-arch-linux/
> His suggestion about fixing bugs on the bug tracker also applies to filing
> new bugs. If you've found the issue, file a bug and provide a patch for the
> solution.
> Myra

Yup, I've read that post.
I prefer to ask on the ML before filing dozens of bug reports. I'm
still a noob and therefore I ask questions, like what exactly can be
considered a bug, should I file a bug per package or per pkgbase etc.
I haven't seen any guide that explains it, so I've come to the ML.

> --
> Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!

Oh yeah!

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