On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Joe Eaves <ji...@alluha.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> First time posting so forgive me if I get it wrong. (This is already a
> resend because I used the wrong email previously!)
> I'm using OpenNTPd as a time server for my local network, but I have a
> slight issue. I run it on my Raspberry Pi which lacks a hardware clock, so
> every time I boot it, it thinks the time is 1970.
> In the systemd init file, openntpd.service, it runs the ntpd daemon with
> the '-s' option, which tell it that if the time is really far out of sync,
> just update it straight to the time that the server has. The problem is,
> this doesn't happen after boot.
> If I manually set the time with 'date -s @0000000000' and then restart the
> openntpd service it will work, but not automatically after boot up.
> I suspect it might be that it's not able to talk to a server because it's
> starting the service before the network is ready or something, but I'm
> using a static IP and have told openntpd.service that "wants" and "after"
> both == network.target.
> Any ideas?
> Joe
> --
> *:wq!*


I did not test this, but you may want to make it "want"
network-online.target instead of network.target.



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