Hi On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Manuel Reimer <manuel.s...@nurfuerspam.de> wrote: > > Hello, > > if I access one of my systems via "ssh" and try to use "vi" there, then it > immediately returns with exit status "1". > > System is an up-to-date 32bit ArchLinux system. > > I've attached the strace output of my try to run "vi" to this mail. > > Can someone see there what could have happened? Reinstalling "vi" didn't fix > this for me... > > Thank you very much in advance
strace has following lines near the end write(1, "\33[?1049h\33[39;1H\"/var/tmp\" ", 26) = 26 write(1, "\33[7mValue too large for defined "..., 41) = 41 write(1, "\33[27m\n", 6) = 6 It cut the second part of the message "Value too large for defined...". Just run vi without strace and check vi output/logs, most likely the error will be self-descriptive.