Hi, I stumbled over odd behaviour after installing ibus-rime on a rather fresh Arch installation. Switching between my two configured input methods (German, Chinese) works nicely both by keystroke or the menu in the systray of my Gnome Shell. I expected that this will make IBus change to an appropriate engine.
However, whenever I switch between the Chinese and German input methods (I can observe the systray icon change from de to zh or the other way round), IBus always reports the following: $ ibus engine xkb:us::eng Chinese input does not work (the keyboard changes to US though). When switching to German, then everything works as expected, even though IBus still reports xkb:us::eng as the engine in use. I found this workaround $ ibus engine rime $ ibus engine rime By manually setting the IBus engine, Chinese input works as expected. Do you have a clue how to make IBus change to the right engine after switching input methods? Or is it likely to be misconfiguration in my locale settings? Cheers, Julius